Where will you spend eternity?

Good News! But ...

It is up to you.

You can decide right now that truth is important to you.
- And plan to live your life according to truth.
- Or live a lie.

If you drive with your eyes closed, will you live? Truth will teach you a lesson. You will be hurt or die. It is the same in the spiritual realm. Truth exists, and if you live spiritually blind you will hurt others and be hurt. Since God is love, He can't accept folks that hurt others. He desires that you change your ways and trust Him. God promises that if you seek Him with all your heart you will find Him, be forgiven, and blessed.


  1. You did not create yourself.
  2. You will die.
  3. You can’t save yourself. You need a Savior.
  4. The whole universe was created out of nothing.
  5. Science can’t explain it, but the Bible does.
  6. Chemicals are not self-aware, no matter how you arrange them.
  7. You are self-aware.
  8. Self awareness is a non physical property that comes from your spirit.
  9. Science can’t explain it, but the Bible does.
  10. It is a mathematical fact that DNA information cannot be created by chance.
  11. Species can adapt, but only by using different combinations of information that already exists in a specie's gene pool, not by creating new information. Why do you not look exactly like your parents? You have a different combination of their already existing DNA, for better or for worse, but you are still human. The amount of change is limited. A rat will always be a rat, never a bat.
  12. Evolutionists can’t explain how life got started. They foolishly live in denial of the math that genetics requires for creating or increasing life's complexity. It is not subjective, it is pure math. Only an ignorant or deceived person believes in complex information by chance. While most universities teach evolution, not all do; many Phd scientists don't believe in bad math. Suppose you take a multiple choice test of 100 questions and your life depends on getting all the answers correct. If you randomly pick answers (as mutations do), will you live? Would you want your children to have mutations in their DNA?
  13. God, Who lives outside of space and time, created all we see, created you, and gave you your spirit.
  14. God reveals truth and gives eternal life to those who diligently seek and obey Him. He wants you to know Him. His hand is stretched out to you; will you accept it?
  15. God loves us and wants to bless us. He knows what is best for us. Therefore God commands us to love and trust Him and love our neighbor as ourself. We must live by faith in Him, not our own ideas. God blesses those who obey His commandments (love, truth, mercy, holiness, serving God and others) and brings trouble to those persons and nations who do not.
  16. The Bible is inspired by God. It is the only sacred writing in world that has 100's of predictions of the future. Only the true God can do this. This makes it testable and verifiable. The things happening in the world today with Israel, Jerusalem, wars, sexual immorality, violence, increasing earthquakes, and the coming cashless society are predicted in the Bible. God's judgment on evil where at least half the earth's population dies is near.

    See 101 Last Days Prophecies

  17. Murderers, liars, the proud, drunkards, thieves, the selfish, adulterers, those having sex outside of marriage, homosexuals, covetous, revilers, idolaters, those who lack charity, who waste the life God has given them on their own pleasures - have rejected God. Their lifestyles are harmful. If they don't change their ways, God sends these to the eternal lake of fire.
  18. We all are guilty.
  19. God in His love and desire to save us, came to us in the person of Jesus, Who fulfilled 100 predictions of the future in the Bible in His first coming. As predicted hundreds of year prior, sinless Jesus took on the guilt of all our sins by dying on a cross, was buried, and 3 days later rose from the dead. He was seen alive by over 500 people at one time after His death. Many miracles of healing are still happening in His name today. His empty tomb is now a tourist attraction in Jerusalem. Only He conquered death.
  20. You can be forgiven all your sin (guilt) if you repent, trust in Jesus and then faithfully obey Him.
  21. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by Me.”
  22. Where you spend eternity depends on your relationship with your Creator. Without the Savior there is no hope. Your life's clock is running out and your life could end at any time. Today is the day to start seeking truth and acting on it.

      Heaven or hell - which will you choose?

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Please text or call Mike for help on learning the truth about God. Friendly and free!
South Windsor, CT